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The Equality Pledge
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Pick your Equality Pledge or create one!
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Pick your Pledge
Pledge 1 — I pledge to recognise the ambitions, interests and capacities of individuals according to their interests and not their gender, race, sexual orientation or physical ability.
Pledge 2 — I pledge to challenge gender stereotypes by encouraging children to play with the toys they want to play with, as opposed to those typically given to them based on their gender.
Pledge 3 — I pledge to reflect, and if possible act, when I notice that one gender is overrepresented in certain situations or spaces and to think about the effects that may have on me and those in my community.
Pledge 4 — I pledge to listen to the voices of all those present at my workplace, my home and my social circles and to understand that my ideas or opinions may not represent the views of my colleagues or those around me.
Pledge 5 — I pledge to discourage sexist, racist, homophobic or harmful jokes when they are made in my presence.
Pledge 6 — I pledge to never harass, objectify or make unsolicited comments to another person on the street, in the workplace or in my social circles.
Pledge 7 — I pledge to better understand how to address inequalities by acknowledging the importance of intersectionality: the notion that all our identities such as gender, race, class or physical ability overlap and cannot be considered separately from each other.
Pledge 8 — I pledge to recognise that all tasks and roles in a professional setting can be carried out by an individual independent of their gender, race, sexual orientation or physical ability.
Pledge 9 — I pledge to question the images I see in the media and in advertising if they perpetuate gender inequalities and to increase my understanding of the ways in which social stereotypes can be harmful.
Pledge 10 — I pledge to work alongside/with other men and boys, speaking out against harmful standards of masculinity, and to recognise their role in achieving gender equality.
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Thank you for taking The Equality Pledge!
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